Sorry about being missing for a month. Where does the time fly when you are busy. I'm still looking for a job. In my free time, I've been busy making stuff to sell and learning new skills.

I'm still doing my weekly carding and I'm starting to develop some cool techniques. I've been playing with fun colors and playing around with striping the batts. The nice person I make the batts for really likes my work. Yeah! I love playing with the fibers and colors. The pictures are of my two latest batts. The top one is called "tequila sunrise" and the bottom one is sunrise over the field".
The pictures are a little blurry because I took them with my new camera phone. I finally joined the 21st century and got a cell phone. I'm not a big fan of the things. I think too many people are addicted them them. Mine is to contact Princess and for emergencies. Princess likes it for the games.
I've been busy working on items for the
etsy shop. I have a purse, two cupcake toys, and a whole bunch of pendants to go down. I also make myself a little cell phone pouch and have people wanting me to make more.
Before I forget. I learned to spin today. My sister in law found a Lendrum wheel at a great price and we worked out a payment deal. It's no good to have a cool wheel if you don't know how to use it, so today I started spinning lessons. I make a bobbin full of wool yarn. I'm going to spin more next week and then learn how to ply. I'm so happy. It's a lot of fun, but it takes more coordination than a video game.
Labels: business, finished projects, Home, life., yarn